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Heroic defense of Odessa (1941) Odessa defense
The defense of Odessa by Soviet troops in August-October 1941 is one of the few operations...
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Exclusive DIY stickers for champagne, cognac, vodka, wine
Vodka for a wedding is one of the TOP 3 most popular alcoholic drinks that are purchased at...
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Ogonek sauce for the winter (from tomatoes and peppers) - recipe with step-by-step photos
When talking about the spicy tomato fire seasoning for the winter, different people will call it differently. Somebody...
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how it can be seen and enhanced
Researchers are trying to unravel the phenomenon of “luminous people”. “I want to tell you about something strange...
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The best universities with distance learning Online training in foreign universities
We have previously told you about more than. Today we invite you to talk in more detail about the 10 best...
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